Howard let me know yesterday that his son Tom has got a TV show on E4 on Friday 9th Sept at 11pm – part of the Comedy Labs series - which reproduces (in full costume production) some of their sketches. Howard particularly thought that George would enjoy it, so if he is in Berlin and can't get it off the net, someone better tape it for him.
Howard was actually very specific as to which sketch George would like, the first to come up with the correct item that he thought would tickle George gets a beer/dry martini or similar off me, Paul, when we next meet.
Better set the recorders going!
Is there any way that someone could record it on to a disc for the illiterate Even for the paragon himself I can't stay up till 11 p.m, let alone HIS son. Granny.
Posted by: Jenifer Keeling | September 08, 2011 at 12:49 PM