How to add a post

The quick way
Go to New Post. You may have to log on as 8keelings with that old password. In that case you will see a list of the most recent posts. Click  New post  near the top of the screen.

If you can, please remember to enter a post title and choose a label or two near the top right.

The slow way (3 possibilities)
1) If you have a Gmail address and you are a descendant of Mike and Jenny Keeling, then you should have received an email inviting you to be a contributor to the blog. In that case you just go to where you will see a list of the most recent posts. Click  New post  near the top of the screen. Or go straight to New Post from here.
If you can, please remember to enter a post title and choose a label or two near the top right.

2) If you have a Gmail address and you are a descendant of Mike and Jenny Keeling and you have not received an email inviting you to be a contributor to the blog, then get invited by George.

3) If you do not have a Gmail address, then you can go to the same URL and log on as 8keelings. The password is the same as it always was for the blog. If you don't know it, ask George. After logging on you will see a list of the most recent posts. Click  New post  near the top of the screen.
If you can, please remember to enter a post title and choose a label or two near the top right.

Your editor, (Uncle) George


  1. Hello everyone... I'm not sure you have seen or posted this but it is a link to Bill Palmer's Obituary. It was put together quite nicely by his son, Howard.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
