I was interested to read George's experience of the health service. My experience of the health service is mixed.
The treatment I have had from the NHS has been from good to downright appalling.
When I got cellulitis, (blood poisoning in my legs), the casualty service that I got out of the NHS was good, and if they hadn't been there, I probably would have had to have had my leg(s) amputated, or would have died. I've been treated two times in the NHS, the first time on a general ward, and the second time, they put me in a private room, which was even better.
The second time, I was knocked off a bicycle, and injured a shoulder muscle, as a result of which I was unable to work as an electrician.
The NHS's response was to put me in a queue to see a specialist. The hospital was so badly organized that they made the appointment for me at about 9.00 in the morning, to see a specialist at about 11.00 that day. The specialist kept me waiting in a hospital until about 1. So I was kept waiting for two hours. Doctors in the NHS have total contempt for patients time, and if you are ten minutes late for an appointment, that's great from the doctor's point of view, because it means you miss your slot, and they can begin to catch up with the backlog that their incompetence has created.
When I finally got to see the specialist, he said that I needed a body scan, for which there was a three month wait. So I had the prospect of not working for three months, while the NHS got their act together.
Fortunately, the company that I was working for at the time, had all it's employees covered by BUPA. So I was able to start the whole process all over again, with BUPA. I was able to get an appointment within three days with a consultant, who confirmed that I needed a scan. He made an appointment for a scan for the following week.
Unfortunately, due to a traffic jam, I was about an hour late for the appointment. If it was the NHS, I would have been stuffed. As it was BUPA, there was no problem, and I was just slotted in at the end of the queue. The Scan confirmed what the consultant thought, that I needed surgery. I got a slot for the surgery in about three weeks.
Anyway, the surgery was done, and I was put on a course of phsyiotherapy, and got back to work after nine months. Had I had to have relied on the NHS, I reckon it would have been more like a year and a half.
As to Gordon Brown being good, well, I am not quite surethat claim stands up to examination. UK Plc was in a fairly good state, when Tony and his cronies took over. Tony made the Labour Party electable, because he borrowed a whole load of Tory policies, and ditched Old Labour. In order to do this he essentially had to lie. Which he does to perfection. Even Gordon Brown was quoted in one of the Sundays as saying he no longer trusted Blair, when he was talking about stepping down.
Gordon Brown on the other hand has set himself up as the model of prudence, while in fact mortgaging the younger generations future, which has to be paid for by the PPP (Private Public Partnership) funds. What it means is that you, the younger generation will have to pay for all the hospitals through leasing agreements that Gordon set up, so that the money he was spending, wouldn't appear in the accounts of the current government, so that he could con the electorate he was doing a good job, when in fact he was using sleight of hand to fool electorate.
Don't worry, if you don't understand this now, you'll have the next 15 years or so of steadily rising taxes that will be needed to pay for Gordon Brown's spending spree of building hospitals.
Not that I should complain, as I have spent a large amount of time building hospitals, and which has provided me with a good income over the years.