Cricket Archives Revealed

Hi all,

I have in my possession a number of Keeling Cricket score books. They capture a significant chunk of the history of our great battle against the Village and bored a few weekends ago I started to analyse some of the data. This quickly turned into a major exercise which secretly I quite enjoyed! Having now ‘completed’ the data gathering and carried out some simple analysis, I thought I’d share on the blog for two reasons.

Firstly some of you might find it interesting too! 

Secondly I’m missing quite a few years' worth of data and somewhere there might be score books containing what’s missing. I have asked the Village but they don’t think they have any legacy score books. I’d love to complete the picture so if anyone comes across them please let me know.
Download the Excel spreadsheet here. You might need to use the download button at the top right on the next screen. Which might be hidden in the ⋮ menu. Sorry! 

Lots of love,