While we were in Berlin Harry, Archie and I decided it would be fun to organise another get together for the family and this will happen on 2nd November. Harry is fixing for Hurlingham to accommodate us for lunch. The idea is that people can turn up there from about 1200 and then have lunch (details to follow but everyone will need to pay for themselves). Then we can generally mill around and enjoy ourselves. Please let Harry know if you will be attending so he can make a booking. His computer / iphone was not working properly last night, hence me sending this message. Look forward to seeing as many as poss on the 2nd. Tom
Harry: 07725 329107 harry.keeling@rolls-royce.com
Slight alteration to the plan:
The event has been shifted to the evening and will be at Dad's (Simon's) house. More details will follow, but it will start from 19:30.
Please let me know on harry.keeling@rolls-royce.com if you want to come so I can get an idea of numbers.
Posted by: Harry | October 09, 2013 at 02:36 PM
I hear that 7 of the 8 brothers are so poor that they can not afford £50 for a very good charity. So they probably won't turn up.
I can help! If they give me their bank details I will send them each a £100 out of my Nobel prize money. Email me here: higgs@higgs.boson