Jacobs farm photo albums: 1942-2014 mostly by Granny

Jacobs Farm c. 1942

This album from Jacobs farm has photos and paintings which, I think, got back to a 1942 painting of Jacobs. Most of the photos are by Mum, some are not. They include four weddings (George x 2, Tom and Paul) and a family group from about 1963. Enjoy!

Click here to see all 25 pages.

Love George

List of people, events, things in photos. Please comment if you would like to correct this
Ruth skiing, Harry, Various infants (possibly Kate)
Mum, Dad, Tom, Trevor, Rob, Paul, Carolyn, Jim, David, Simon at George's and Carolyn's wedding.
George and Carolyn at their wedding.
Young Ruth and Trevor,
Jim with two infants (Issy and Polly?)
Young Mum and Dad with baby
Paul and Van at their wedding and Van with Fred and probably Jasper
Christening with Van
Harry in uniforms
Young Mum and baby
Tom and Siobhan's wedding, then children. Tom, Kate and Ted
Paul and Van at their wedding. Dad at tennis
Toddlers and badger
Mum with six oldest children
Three old paintings of Jacobs before 1970, artist unknown.
Invitation to Alexander's and George's wedding, Photo of Seitz family
Simon, Eila and cricket practice
Fred, Zak, Rob and Jude 2013
Party pictures including Harry plus Issie, Pilly, Josh, Rosie
Paul, Jacquie, Siobhan, Imo 2013
Ruth 2013
Fanny Stafford and family(?)
Alexander's and George's wedding 2013: Them, Trevor, Anna, Alexandra née Palmer, Paul, Archie, Jim, Louise, Poppy, Tom, Emma Siobhan, Simon, Ursula, Christa Burri, Max. Jo, Paul, Fred, Nico, Crista, Louise, Poppy
Luke, Alice, Rob, Rosie, Emma

Cricket match lunch: Imo, Rob, Simon, Tom

1 comment:

  1. George,
    Big thanks for the latest photographic instalment. They are maaarvellous and the only problem is not having enough time to sit down and enjoy them all completely.
    Love, Tom
